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Come dance with us, little ones!

We are excited to have our Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Classes open for registration. Come fall in love with dance at Dance House. We start offering classes and soon as a toddler learns to walk! Talk about teaching them young! We would love your child's first dance experience to be with us, as we have fun and learn together. We offer every age, up to 3rd Grade. We may offer older classes in the future. All classes are 50 minutes, except for the Parent Tot class, which is 40 minutes. Each class will perform either one or two dances (depending on age) in the Winter Showcase, and one or two dances in the Spring Performance. Read each class description down below.

Fall 2024 - Spring 2025 Class Descriptions

An automatic discount will be applied at checkout when you sign up for multiple dance camps, or sign up multiple siblings, or multiple classes.

Parent/Tot Class - Age 1-3

Fridays 10:00 - 10:40 am

$55 per month

Come weekly with your tiny dancer (boys and girls) and explore dance, music, instruments, beats, and play. One parent per child must attend and participate in each class - unless children are twins, then only one parent is required to stay. This class is 40 minutes.

Age 2 & 3 (drop off)

Thursdays 11:00-11:50 am

$55 per month

This class focuses on moving creatively with our bodies, and learning to hear beats in music with songs & instruments. Parents will not stay for each class, it is a drop-off class!

Age 3 & 4

Wednesdays 11:00 - 11:50 am 


Wednesdays 1:00-1:50 pm

$55 per month

This class focuses on creative dance, and an intro into ballet & tap. Ballet concepts are introduced to provide a baseline to be built upon as they grow. Black Tap shoes are required for this class. Students will perform a Tap dance in the Spring Performance, in addition to their Creative/Ballet dance.

Age 4 & 5

This class focuses on creative dance, ballet & tap. We continue with Ballet Technique and keep building upon our baseline. Black Tap shoes are required for this class. Dancers will perform both a Creative/Ballet dance, and a Tap dance in the Spring Performance.

Tuesdays 1:30-2:20 pm

$55 per month

Kindergarten/1st Grade

Tuesdays 4:00 - 4:50 pm

$55 per month

This class focuses on creative dance, ballet, & jazz. We continue to build on our Ballet Technique baseline, but we also add in Jazz Technique! Upbeat music and jazz moves, so much fun! Dancers will perform a Creative/Ballet dance and a Jazz dance in the Spring Performance.

Boys Kindergarten
Thursdays 4:10-4:50 pm
$55 per month

Our focus in this class is improving coordination, learning dances to their favorite songs, understanding rhythm & beats in music, and having a blast while doing it!

2nd & 3rd Grade Ballet/Jazz/
Hip Hop (combined)

Tuesdays 5:00-6:20 pm
$85 per month


This class is a combination of Ballet, Jazz, and Hip Hop. Because it is combined, it is an hour and 20 minutes. We will focus on ballet technique and flexibility, with the added elements of Jazz and Hip Hop. The Jazz/Hip Hop will add lots of spunk and fun to their dance experience, with lots of choreography to upbeat & trendy music! Dancers will perform a ballet and a Jazz/Hip Hop dance in both the Winter Showcase and the Spring Performance.

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